I agree if there will be one day without TV in a week. I think it will make our day more productive because we can do a lot of other things that are more useful than just watching a television. For example, we can use our time for doing our homework, studying, cleaning the house, helping our mom, walking around the house-block with our pet, and so on. There are so many things we can do than only watching a television, right? And then, without watching a television, parents and children can spend more time together. Of course we can feel it when our parents busy watching television, they will be focus on the program and won't have time for us, right?
Besides, if there will be one day without television, the children will go outside and play. Children that play with their friends will make a better effect than children that just watch a tv. That's because if children play, they can express themselves and they can explore the environment around them. Of course it will make a good effect for them. And it can make them smarter because they will know and they will be familiar with so many new other things.
So, I agree and support the 'TV-free day' programme. Like I said before, there will be so many things we can do than just watching a television. In addition, there are so many television programmes that don't teach the kids, especially those soap operas that tell us about the love story of some teenagers and were made with very dramatic scenes, right? So if we start it with one day without tv, who knows that the children will accustomed to life without tv and they won't watch tv again, because they feel like playing with their friends or doing some other things are more useful than watching a television.